HHC VS HHC-O VS HHC-P: advantages, Development, & Resembled

This is only the inception but outlines the impact that HHC and those close to him have had on the world from recently to the present. From these amazing plants to modern organic chemistry, there are many new things to play with.
The cannabinoids HHC-O and HHC-P are relatives of hhcp. What are its effectiveness, basic facts, and recommended products? If you knew them you would choose them and buy them with more confidence.

What are the cannabinoids HHC, HHC-O, and HHC-P?


HHC (tetrahydrocannabinol) was first discovered in 1944 by American chemist Roger Adams by adding molecular hydrogen to Delta 9 THC, which hydrogenated THC to HHC.

Whether HHC has the same psychoactive properties as Delta 9 has yet to be established. Many users report that it has slightly weaker medicinal effects than Delta 9, such as B. analgesic, anxiolytic, and sedative effects. And it seems to provide all the other side effects associated with delta 9, such as nausea, emotional and physical discomfort, increased appetite, and more.

It can be found in small amounts in the pollen and seeds of the cannabis plant. It is a hydrogenated cannabinoid, a highly stable, semi-synthetic, hydrogenated form of hemp-derived CBD.
HHC is a new cannabinoid that has taken the market by storm over the past two years and continues to gain popularity in the online community due to its positive effects. Due to the popularity of HHC, new HHC derivatives have been formulated. We discuss two of these cannabinoids, HHC-O Acetate and HHC-P, to help you understand the exciting new additions, how they compare to each other, and the possible benefits.

Cannastar HHC-O vape pen

HHC-O (Super HHC)

One HHC derivative is HHC-O acetate, also known as HHC acetate or HHC-O. Throughout the history of medicine, compounds often have acetate added to them to become prodrugs. A prodrug must undergo a chemical transformation through metabolic processes before it can become an active agent. HHC-O is made into a prodrug by adding acetate to HHC. Our body’s metabolism has an enzyme that breaks down acetate, so HHC is readily available at CB1 receptors.

HHC-O is a prodrug version of HHC, so it has amazing healing properties. HHC tends to activate very quickly after vaping, but HHC-O lasts longer. When the body metabolizes acetate, it binds to cannabinoid receptors more readily than HHC itself, producing a more potent effect. One aspect of HHC-O is that it is more potent than HHC itself because it is usually highly bioavailable. It has a lower viscosity than HHC and is versatile in food applications. The positive effect will be stronger than HHC.

HHC-P (Governor of Cannabinoids)

Hexahydrocannabiphorol (HHCP), also known as the phytocannabinoid HHC, has recently gained attention for its efficacy and versatility.

Measuring the strength of HHCP is not easy because it depends on the subjective feeling of the person using it. HHCP users claim that it is 20 times stronger than HHC, 5 times stronger than THCP, and 10 times stronger than THC. It should be noted that the bioavailability of HHCP is higher than that of Delta 9 THC. It can be seen that most of the HHC-P products on the market have a ratio of less than 5% due to their incredible strength and improved durability. Most users mix HHC-P in lower proportions because of its strength. While there are currently no reports of misusers, driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery after using HHCP is definitely high-risk behavior.

Creation and Gift, HHC vs. HHC-O vs. HHC-P

All three compounds have a wide range of medicinal and therapeutic uses. Improves cognitive function and stimulates appetite.

HHC has the highest stability, long life, and moderate action. HHC-O is more stable than HHC. HHC-P is more potent than all other cannabinoids and is currently not as popular as other cannabinoids.

These three cannabinoids offer tremendous benefits to the body and mind, from physical relaxation and anti-inflammatory effects to sedation and anxiety relief.

Users often experience brain buzzing. They knew it felt good. Arousal and motivation are also two expected outcomes. These potential impacts are reported by users and their experiences. There is still a lot of research to be done on these cannabinoids.

Which one is more practical?

If you are new to these cannabinoids and don’t know what they look like, you may be better off with HHC or HHC-O Lite.

But if you know your tolerances and want to go further, but don’t want to go that far, the HHC-O Pro and HHC-O Pure are great options.

HHC-O provides the gentlest vapor imaginable and more potent than HHC. It’s a midway point in terms of power, but make no mistake. It’s always difficult.

After all, HHC-P is the most interesting derivative because it is so powerful that it can blow even a high tolerance of THC users.
If you want to experience the HHC-P, our new HHC-P vape pens and cartridges are the one brand you can trust. The innovative cartridge uses the highest quality HHC-P distillate on the market containing 80% 9R HHC-P, 67-72% HHC-O and 20% full spectrum CBD, 5% amazing Hawaiian Cannabis Strains derived terpenes. It will give you a powerful mental and physical boost.

Where can I get high-quality HHC products?

HHC-O vape pen



H2GO Disposable Vaporizer

To find the best HHC vaporizers and cartridges, we recommend visiting our HHC collection page at https://kannastar.com/hhc/. You can choose different strengths depending on the concentration that suits you. As a Pharmaceutical Inspector-certified hemp extraction company, Kannastar extracts European hemp products. Strict production control ensures that the final product is free of solvents, heavy metals and other hazardous substances.

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